Health Sibo

Have you ever thanked the person who sorts your recycling?

Last month’s consistency showed that it was coming to the end of summer as I went from a post every Monday to 2 posts in 6 weeks. In that time I visited my boyfriend’s family in Italy, climbed Ireland’s highest mountain and learned lots of lessons from life’s happening such as college projects, seeking an internship and even from a visit to my local recycling centre. Here are some of those insights and reflections.

The Vacation

This was my first trip with my gut condition SIBO, think IBS for those who do not know SIBO. I was pretty intimidated at the idea of what I’ll eat and how to get by. I can tell you it was a game changer. For the first time ever, I treated my trip as a health retreat rather than non stop overindulgence (usually carry biscuits with me everywhere). I worked out everyday, mostly for 30 minutes, I ate as much local organic fruit as possible, I avoided the pastry shops and the sweet treats isle in the supermarket and stuck to the odd dessert when out for a meal. I also had very few coffees with those I did have being mostly decaf and all these changes alone converted my perspective to what a trip is about. Typically I get a face full of spots and gain a bit of weight in the weeks there but this time I did not and came home healthier and have been pretty awesome at life since.

I kept up the habit of working out everyday and always have lots of fruit and veggies daily which is such a joy! Have you ever treated your holiday as a means to improve your health? Is it something that comes with age? All I can say is give it a go!!

Northern Italy Euganean Hills
Cross on the top of Carauntoohill

Climbing Ireland’s Highest Mountain

Carauntoohill is Ireland’s highest mountain at 1,038.6 metres and it is stunning.  It is on the Iveragh Peninsula in the Reeks District in County Kerry, my home. It was on my 30th birthday bucket list but I was not sure how to make it happen as I did not want to do it without someone familiar with the terrain. Would you believe I made it happen by chancing my arm and asking a nice regular customer of mine, I work in a health shop, who would tell us about his boat and mountain adventures that if he ever was heading up Carauntoohill could he please take me with him as I wanted to experience it. At first we struggled to find a similar schedule and then winter came but just a week after my 31st we actually did it and what a day. The sun was shining bright and my workmate got to come which was amazing as we are never off at the same time. If you desire something definitely put it out there and eventually you might just have that wonderful day where all things align. Have you something on your bucket list you have been meaning to do? What’s stopping you?

Visiting My Local Recycling Centre

I’ll let this be the last one for today as the post grows long. So, there I was for less than 10 minutes and had to ask 3 men, all over 50 years I may add to recycle correctly. 2 of them seemed pleasant and went to dispose of things in the right bins. The other however, was told by the man who worked there and I that the cardboard can not be recycled here while it remains strapped with lots of plastic. He initially took the advice on board but then, when the worker wasn’t looking he attempted the same action again. Now, for some reason even after a past of lots of street activism and speaking up I felt dread at saying something but I had to. My body filled with adrenaline, trembling a little as I told him that he needs to sort that plastic or that all of these actions are a big waste of time for us all. Luckily he listened and did it.

The action of the man made me realise what the life of these workers is really like. I had to stay behind to speak to one of them as I needed to thank him and recognise that not only does he work incredibly hard with the labour of all the actions taken daily to keep the place going but he must practice incredible amounts of patience as many members of the public act so disrespectfully and unconscious. The warmth with which he received my gratitude and acknowledgement of his work was abundant and I knew there and then that these people never receive thanks. Last question of this blog. Have you ever stopped to thank the person who runs your recycle centre or takes away your bins or the men going around daily keeping the streets clean? There are so many workers out there with jobs like this and we all know pay is low and hours are long. It is nice to reflect and be able to share it with you.

Wishing you a beautiful week ahead, rain or no rain. May it be full of gratitude, peace and joy.

Emma XO

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