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Failing DOES NOT make you a failure!

So I missed my first Monday morning blog, so what! 😉

Life happens! For me it was being overwhelmed by the symptoms of stress as I let a pitch deadline, a project, a missed health appointment, a coldsore and eventually a SIBO flare kill my creativity and ability to show up. I’m only superwoman on the weekends it seems.

You and I are not here on this earth to be perfect.


YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE PERFECT! You are here to bring your dreams to life and that means you will face obstacles and even struggles as well as the successes and blissful moments. Through every ‘failure’ or moments you know in your heart you could do better there are many lessons, so many! You have to be willing to try before you feel ready. Practice and prepare to do your best and then get ready to jump in because you’ve got this!