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Lessons From Overwhelm. My Life Is Pretty Awesome Right Now!

The signs were there but, I laughed them off. How often we do that! We feel a certain way and dismiss it, because life goes on right! Be it, that time you were out shopping, with a deep sorrow in your heart, that you bought the sweets you’ve been eyeing just to feel better. Or that time you felt agitated, simply because the person across the way would not sit still. Even though your logical mind says it doesn’t matter, you feel tense.

Our bodies give signals all the time to keep us on track. So many of us don’t know how to listen. I’ve been evolving this skill for years and still get swept away by my lack of body awareness when life gets busy.

For me it began a few months ago with moments of agitation including one in tesco where a sign with a ghost that said ‘boo’ (pretty cute actually) had me thinking oh ‘F off’). Bizarre reaction right, well I did what many people do and laughed it off as I told it as a funny pms story. Well, that body signal showed up again and then again, except with such a deep intensity I no longer felt in control. It went on and on for weeks and even though I’m out the other end with a clear logical perspective and plan of action it takes time to settle these things so it may be about to begin again but this time with the gift of awareness.

If, you too have times where you feel devastated over what feels like nothing, or perhaps you want to let go of what that person said as you know it was not in ill fate but you can’t let it go here is what I learned from my recent bout of it and what I’m doing to help the next one be a bit easier.


When the feelings pop up take some time to pause! (if in the supermarket like I was you can do it when getting home but maybe put the frozen food away first ;-)). Put away the phone and laptop! Take time to reflect in the way that suits you – journal,listening to classical music on the radio, chanting… Each of us need different tactics but we are the same in that our lives require intentional pauses because we get so swept up in all that life expects of us.


Depending on what shows up for you, you can create your plan of action. An example of a root cause is overwhelm. For me, I realised I had overstreched myself over the last months. Although I was powering on fine I thought, actually, I was overwhelmed. It had sent my hormones wild, thus, I was feeling so deeply and if I didn’t get on top of things I would keep spiraling.

I just recalled how much I struggle to be brief so I’m going to try to improve.




Stress Management



Add fun to that equation, even better!


I lacked consistent stress management and exercise. Find movement and a form of meditation I enjoy and start again. (If you need help with building that habit read my blog How to build healthy habits: I choose a 30 days of yoga challenge and pilates and do both every morning


Even if my decision means I do not start pc work until noon, health comes first. Even if that person needs me to do that favour, I replenish my stock first.


If being overwhelmed is part of your struggle, it is time to determine what is truely important to you and then write a couple of emails to let people know at this time you will not be going ahead with your other plans and without guilt. Give your energy to what is in your top 3 priorities.


I paused. I reflected. I realised my root cause (overwhelm). I made a plan. I started filling my cup back up. I quit projects that weren’t serving me. I found joy in what I was doing again and could not believe it when I realised that I was literally living my dharma, my dream life.

I am organising a charity fundraiser wellness event for my friend’s animal sanctuary with some amazing inspiring speakers.

I am giving a presentation for The Vegan Society to activist’s about how they can organise a vegan sustainable event.

I am working in a health shop helping people feel their best.

I am organising groups of volunteers to go help out at a local animal sanctuary.

Wow! Wow! Wow!

I almost missed how cool my life was because I was having dark harmful thoughts due to not listening to my body’s cues. Our bodies are wise and there to guide it. Give yourself that space!

I love you Angel!!!! Angel lives at Heartstone Sanctuary and one of the beings we are fundraising for.