Health Healthy Periods Mental health self compassion Sibo

I worked out every day for a month

If you have been wanting to work out, start now… as in right now!! Stand up and do 50 jumping jacks, or 10 if 50 is too intense or try 10 pushups if you need a low impact exercise. You got this!

Well.. How do you feel now?

Accomplished? Energised? Happy?

Sometimes exercise is as simple as doing a few lunges as you walk to the bathroom or stepping up and down on your tippytoes while waiting for the kettle to work those calf muscles.

I can tell you that after just 1 month of daily intentional movement, I feel all 3 emotions mentioned above as well as healthier mentally, physically and spiritually. After all, it is an essential need of all humans and supports our other essential needs such as improving our sleep quality, increasing our desire to stay hydrated as well as aiding our digestion and appetite.

Here is what I did!