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Practicing Slow Living For A Happier Life

Slow living for me is an accumulation of thoughtful habits over time that bring me out of my head and into the present moment. It is a way for me to experience epic feelings without needing to be in a particular environment. This practice has been pretty rewarding while spending so much time indoors.

So here are some of the habits I’ve been working on:

Bring Nature Indoors

Inspired by a beautiful cut flower I found on the road, I started to seek out elements of nature that I could bring home such as mossy twigs with nice shapes, cuttings of rosemary from the public allotment, a buttercup where there were loads (I avoid cutting flowers typically as we need them for biodiversity; try to find things already unearthed, fallen leaves, feathers). Then, just have fun with it and make little arrangements. We’ll get better at it as time goes on but it made me pretty darn happy from the start. Currently using a drinking glass so I’ll definitely be seeking out a beautiful vase when the charity shops open again.

Mindful Walking

Using my walks up and down the stairs to practice mindfulness. I have found so much joy in those moments where it is just my breath and I as I take it step by step, no distractions, no element of time. 


Doing a little area of your home a couple of times a week like your jewellery box, then your t-shirt drawer and passing the things you don’t use to friends or onto an app such as the free sharing app ‘Olio’. Simplify your life and it will leave more room for joy.

Text & Call Less

Be more intentional; schedule a time where you both can get yourselves a tasty hot drink to relax and have enough time for a long catch up, hopefully with healthy tasty nibbles.