Happiness Challenge Health Healthy Periods Mental health self compassion Sibo

Happiness Challenge Lessons

Week 1 is over and we are back!! Back to #moanfree_mondays. I thought it best to repeat the practices for 1 month as they say 21 days to set the habit. If true that means the practices should flow with fluidity and ease that extra week.

So far I can say I am loving it!! It is bringing me more happiness for sure and that others are doing it with me and benefiting is simply fabulous.

FAVOURITE LESSON: Do not overcomplicate your life by thinking so much about what you are meant to be doing, who you are, what life is all about. Choose to focus on being present so you get to experience each precious moment. The past is over and the future is made up of choices/actions we make moment to moment.

Want to join us this week? Check out the challenge here:

Share with me what you get up to by using the daily hashtags on instagram as I’d love to see 🙂

Here are some of the lessons and benefits from my week 1!


This day actually brought me much joy.

  • Before getting out of bed I sat up and reflected on the many things I was grateful for.
  • Then, I posted the happiness challenge and within 20 minutes I moaned twice in my mind as I hit my leg off my shoe rack and the other about a dirty pan. I turned both around with gratitudes. I was there laughing away to myself how it had only been 20 minutes.

Turns out the rest of the day no moans came out of me! 🙂 Moaning came back later in the week when my SIBO flared up. I’ll be working on that this week as moaning does not bring me joy. My hot water bottle, relaxation and nice chats does.

Health Mental health self compassion

How to find your tribe

Be apologetically, undeniably, truthfully yourself. Do not speak less, thinking you are ‘too much’, for fear you’ll put them off. Do not spend your day doing things you don’t enjoy just to fit in. I did this all the time growing up and it won’t get you closer to joy.

Rather, jump in fully to every thing your heart desires, that gifts you with true pleasure and joy. Seek fulfillment by doing activities that sets your soul on fire, knowing your are aligning with your soul purpose. Activism does this for me.

Spend time alone, be it with music, books, nature. Take trips to beautiful and fun places, be it alone or maybe with your favourite pooch. Trust me, it feels incredible to go exactly where you want and stay for the exact time you crave.

Only by learning to be content alone, releasing the need to chase friendships or romantic relationships that don’t seem to flow naturally and taking steps towards who you truly are, will your tribe find you.

They may show up as one soul sister who spends many moments with you or lots of unique friends in different places that you speak with less often but when you do it is always a sharing of compassion, love and unshakable support or perhaps it will be a lover who brings immense joy into your life, only lifting you up with any alignment struggles providing opportunities for you both to grow rather, than sitting with bad feelings.

You deserve to have human connection that gives you strength, respect, love and happiness. Accept nothing less.

Health Mental health

How I Deal With A Dark Mood

Let’s face it we all have them!

**However, if you are having them far too often or struggling to cope please seek professional support**

This is a list of things you can try that have helped me.

1. Cry

If a tear falls, enjoy a cry. The release is needed from time to time. We are trained incorrectly to tell each other not to cry when really letting go can feel SO much better. Just be careful to not add to it with negative self talk. That part takes practice. Accepting the sadness is a must and being kind to yourself is the goal.